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Books to Help you Get Out of a Creative Rut

We’ve all been there when we hit a wall, where you just think “I’m out of ideas” or “I don’t feel inspired”! The pressure to constantly be creating something new can often compound leaving you in a rut. Therefore, some resources which can help kick-start these cogs moving again are always a welcome helping hand. Here are some of the books we think might help get you started again.

  1. ‘Steal Like An Artist’ by Austin Kleon

This book is a short and easy read, the overarching idea in the book is that nothing is truly original so take inspiration from things around you. The book presents ten tips on creativity accompanied by illustrations it’s an enjoyable casual read. The book isn’t about actually ‘stealing’ ideas but collecting inspiration from other artists and having the confidence to use your inspiration to create something new yourself. It’s a great little book which you can keep referring back to when you need it.

Good for: an easy read to refresh your mindset

2. ‘Zig Zag: The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity’ by Keith Sawyer

Zig Zag is a science-based book that helps provide strategies to unlock and maximise our creativity. Watch the video below to get a taste of some of the book’s ideas. The books name comes from this idea that the path to creativity isn’t linear, you ‘zig and zags’ as you take an indirect path of exploration and wonder. The book explains multiple ways to enter the creative journey, providing a new way of thinking about what it means to be creative.

Good for: those who want a renewed perspective on creativity

3. The Laws of Simplicity – John Maeda

John Madea brings us back to the basics with his book The Laws of Simplicity. In only 100 pages he lays out ten laws for simplicity allowing us to find the balance between the simple and the complex. This book is a quick and refreshing read which provides an interesting insight into what it means to simplify, making us realise simple is not bad nor easy. The lessons learned in the book can be applicable to a range of areas, so there’s something for everyone to gain.

You can check out his ten laws on his website

Good for: those who want to rethink the basic’s


Steven Pressfield’s book aims to help those who struggle with their creativity and is centred around the idea of ‘resistance’ is the biggest inhibitor of creativity. It essentially proposes the idea that resistance is what prevents you from doing something. The whole book is about how you overcome that doubt and essentially start the work you’ve avoided doing. It provides an interesting perspective on how we approach creativity and how to overcome a block.

Good for: the self doubters